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Continuous dyeing processes:- Explained in brief

Continuous dyeing processes:- Explained in brief

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Continuous dyeing processes:-

From the viewpoint of organization and management, continuous dyeing methods offer economic advantages when long runs are required fora limited range of colors. Excellent reproducibility is possible with savings in handling and labor costs. The basic procedure is to impregnate the fabric in open width form with a dyebath, by means of a padding unit. This step can be carried out by using a one-bath or two-bath process. In a one-bath process, alkali is incorporated in the lone pad bath whereas in the two-bath process, the alkali is padded from the second bath[14]. Then the imprgnated fabric is subjected to the fixation process, which is generally done using dry heat (thermofixation) or moist heat (steam fixation), followed by a wash off step