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Photosensitisers and dyes for PDT:- (Part 1)

Photosensitisers and dyes for PDT:- (Part 1)

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Photosensitisers and dyes for PDT:-

Various porphyrins have been used in the early development of PDT, some of the more immediately successful being obtained with haematoporphyrin derivatives. A popular drug is Photofrin II, one of the active constituents of which is.

This has enhanced specific absorption by tumour cells. Irradiation is effected by using red (630 nm) light.
One disadvantage of porphyrins is that they are not efficient absorbers in the red region. Water-soluble and lipid-soluble phthalocyanines absorb more strongly and are readily synthesised. Thus, zinc tetrasulpho-phthalocyanine in a monomeric state, at 677 nm. Lipid-soluble phthalocyanines include tetra-substituted-4,4',4'',4'''-octadecylsulphonamido and tetra-butyl-metallo-phthalocyanines, which can be incorporated into liposome membranes which are taken up by mammalian cells.