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Color Evaluations

Color Evaluations

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Color strength (K/S) was measured on the BYK Color Machine (Columbia, MD) using ASTM Method 313 and the Kubelka-Munk treatment utilizing a light absorption coefficient, K, a light scattering coefficient, S, and the reflectance factor, R, in the relationship: (1 -R)^sup 2^/2R. The color quality was reported using Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) L*a*b* color coordinates where L designates lightness-darkness, a redness-greenness, and b yellowness-blueness. 
Colorfastness to laundering and light were determined from standard test methods: AATCC Test Method 61 and 16E, respectively. Color stability was evaluated according to colorfastness to crocking: AATCC Test Method 8-1989, Crockmeter Method, 
Colorfastness to Laundering: AATCC Test Method 61 Colorfastness to Laundering, Home and Commercial: Accelerated Conditions HA, and Colorfastness to Light: AATCC Test Method 16E - Colorfastness to Light (20 and 40 hours exposures).