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Nylon 6 film (ca 1.0 g) was dissolved at room temperature in a mixture of phenol (analytical grade, freshly distilled; 20 ml) and methanol (analytical grade, 5 ml), and immediately titrated against 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. The titrations were followed by measuring the conductivity of the solutions after each addition of 0.02 ml of acid, and the end-point was taken as the point of discontinuity in the resultant curves. For every titration, the solvent correction factor was determined separately. These values were obtained by followingt the same titration procedure using an identical volume of pure solvent. The reproductibility of the titratiion procedure was checked with a standard sample of nylon 6 film of known amino end-group content (standard, 22-23 meq/kg; found, 22.9 meq/kg).